

Friday, May 23, 2014

My new Abhair

Hey Dolls,

Past week or so I git so many compliments for my new hair color. I am so happy that all you guys liked it.

But i have a news, guys they are my new hair extensions. Yes, extensions.

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24" 9 Piece Silky Straight Clip In Indian Remy Human Hair Extension - Chestnut Brown/Blonde

Recently I was approached by and they very generously offered me to pick up some hair extensions.
I was so excited as its my first time trying them.

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All my looks with the extensions on 

As you all already know I have long boring hair. I don't want to cut my hair and my mum does nit want me to color them. :( she says its going to effect its texture and increase hair fall.

Abhair came to my rescue and I got there beautiful extensions which i am totally obsessed with, you can already see , i am wearing them almost every day.

Abhair are hair experts who ensure extremely high quality hair and super safe delivery . They have  a huge variety of clip in extensions , wigs and celebrities inspired hair arrangements.

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I know the actual use of extensions is to increase the length of hair, but sweeties my hair already long enough to irritate me and others , so thanks but no thanks on that.
What i needed was some color but nothing that looks fake.

When i was on Abhair, I saw this one with a mix of three different colors and I knew this is what I want.
Its a chestnut blond , 29" 9 piece hair extension . This is the longest they got and can you believe its a still a little shorter than my hair . ( Just made em realize how long my hair are , so happy ) 

Anyways coming back to hair extensions , do I have to mention how natural they look . So many people here on blog, on my Instagram and in real life thought I actually got hair streaks done, I guess that says it all .

The natural look is all because of the beautiful mix of  colors in it . 

They are 100% Remy Indian Human hair and I heat friendly . I have used heat on them several times and they passes by heat test . They came in very safely packed with 2 extra clips and a manual to take care of it . 

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They are super duper easy to wear , no tangling of hair , no sliding off extension  , which is actually shocking . My hair are super silky, nothing stays and dont even ask how easily they get tangled .

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Steady band and comb clip

All you need to do is put them on and they will change your entire look . I have been wearing them non-stop, you guys have already seen with these on in almost all my post for 2 weeks now. 

They look so good no matter how you style your hair. Braid them , make a bun or just leave them loose ,they will look good.

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24" 9 Piece Silky Straight Clip In Indian Remy Human Hair Extension - Chestnut Brown/Blonde

Actually I wanted to show I how put them on but then thought it will be info overload so I am going to post that separate in a day or two :) Hope that don't sound boring.

By the way , This set of extensions is on sale  on Abhair so if you want you can take advantage and grab them . 

Do enter my Blackfive Giveaway , only 3 days left . Here

Pooja Mittal


  1. I loved! Was natural.

  2. Looks really lovely and natural, gorgeous on you :)) xx

  3. It looks soooo good that I thought it was your hair! It suits you perfectly! ;)

  4. omg love them on you
    they are amazing. I am checking their website now

  5. Wow, you are so beautiful! Love your hairstyle! xx

  6. I never would have know these were extensions, the color looks so natural! They look beautiful on you!

  7. Hey...they look super natural...loved much do they cost hun??

  8. Looks great, I'd have never guessed they were extensions!
    Stop by sometime, Sarah x

  9. you look great pooja....u already have a lovely hair.....
    keep in touch

  10. Great !!! ;)
    Guarda il mio nuovo post:
    Fammi sapere cosa ne pensi..

  11. Wow, you have amazing hair and this light shades suits you a lot. Love them as well as all your hairstyles. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  12. The hair extensions look so natural ! Lovely pictures ... you look super gorgeous sweetie.

  13. Oh, it look beautiful, so nice in your hair xx

  14. It looks so real! :) And it's so beautiful ;)
    Muilo Burbulai

  15. You look very nice!


  16. So looks amazing
    Great weekend

  17. I was thinking about colouring my hair but I think extensions are probably better for me after seeing this! I'm going to try and find some =)

    Corinne x

  18. Hi Pooja! They are super cool and would love to try them too! But believe me, u dont need any extension and neither ur hair is boring! Love so much your hair, one of the most beautiful of the blogosphere! Kisses! xo

  19. Really nice! love it! I follow you! Love your blog :) ! xo!

  20. Wow! Gorgeous hairstyle!!!! You look amazing!

  21. Love the extensions, it looks so natural. I have always wanted to try extensions, this post has inspired me!


  22. wow! really fall in love with that hair extensions<3
    would you like to follow each other via GFC, instagram, or twitter? via that way we can keep in touch! just let me know dear xx

  23. Your hair is gorgeous. And the extensions really make your hair stand out :)

  24. Never even thought that they were extensions.

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  25. Oh they seem very easy to apply! You look fab I also adore that braid!

  26. Wow.. your hair looks so amazing! love your styles!

  27. Gosh you are sooooo lucky to have those hair extensions offered to you - I chopped most of my hair off about a year ago and I am attempting to grow it back now - it is a painfully slow process!!! I've been sponsered by Mane n Tail on my blog and their HerbalGro range REALLY has helped to speed up the growth process.

    Sometimes I really wish I could afford extensions though. It looks beeeeautiful xxx

  28. Wow, you looks so cute with or without extensions Pooja - I wish you a huge weekend:)



  29. Beautiful this post, these lovely hairstyles and hair color. Hello keep in touch.


    bloglovin follower

  30. amazing hair. I have clip in too;-) you look fantastic!

  31. WOW! I would have never guessed they're extensions! I've been telling you in every recent comment how much I love them on you! Great site and these are perfect without coloring your own hair! :) Have a great weekend!
    Keep in touch

  32. Amazing result ... I love your hair!!!
    Happy WE darling!!!

  33. I love the extensions. Its really a fashion statement. Gonna buy one set asap.

  34. I would have not known that you have hair extensions because you place them like you just have highlight and lowlights. They are good ones too.


  35. I mean your hair is already gorgeous as is..with extensions it just gets even better!! great idea to switch it up a little.

  36. your hair is so amazing, you're so lucky person! kisses!

  37. Beautiful hairstyle!! I love these extension!

  38. That's crazy! I had no idea they were extensions! They look so good and so real! Your mom is right; dying your hair can make it dry and I know you don't want that!

  39. Wow, I thought it wad your hair the whole time. Beautiful!

  40. so pretty!

  41. Que cabelo perfeito, esses apliques de tic tac estão na moda por aqui, fica um cabelo tão perfeito. Adorei os penteados que você fez, são lindos ! :)

  42. hello darling, a nice hairstyle.

    I follow you on instagram too. @ sibaritismos

  43. You are unforgettable! Your hair is amazing, that braid.. wow! Your face is flawless, consider me obsessed... ha!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  44. love your hair! :*) kisses:*)

  45. Suits perfectly for you :)
