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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

How to Say Goodbye to 2020

  Hi Guys,

Hope you are doing well! With just 2 days left in 2020 and for 2021 to unfold, we all are over the moon. 2020 being the deadliest ever till now, we all are hopeful for a bright future. Here is how one can properly say goodbye to 2020 and close the chapter for good.

say goodgye to 2002, 2020 goodbye, resolution 2020, resolutions 2021, welcome 2021

1) Taking a deep breath because we still can. With the pandemic still going on and so many people have lost lives, if we can still breath and are living a healthy life, we must part our back and thank the lord.

2) Go through your happy 2020 pics. This year gave us the time and opportunity to spend at home birthdays and almost all occasions at home (thanks to lockdown) so I m sure you have some happy pics with your Fam-bam from these occasions, go through them, relive them.

3) Think about all the hardships this year brought along (write it down if you want) and how today you are ok, thriving and hopeful. Burry the memories (keep the note in your 2020diary) and move on with a clear head.

4) Make a mental note of all the people who were extra nice to you in your dark times. Times when you just wanted to bury your head in a blanket and cry, your very close friends, parent, family or neighbour who pulled you out, gave you hope, sent you food or made you smile. Remember they are you inner circle and you have to be their ride or die.

5) Set your goals for 2020 but do not overburden yourself. We all have way too high expectations from 2021, i hope it turns out to be the best year ever but what will happen in 2021 is still a mystery. So lets not put all our eggs in one basket. This year was a big disappointment and we don't want to be burdened with disappointment so set small term goals, mak list of things you wan to achieve on an individual lever and take it slow.

So, take a deep breath, you have survived 2020. Now if 2021 tunes out to be better or worse, you will survive it, you have the energy and strength for it.

Hope this was helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to all! It is only fitting that we use the final blog post of this year to reflect on our last good health, before we bid 2020 goodbye. The positive aspects of the year are the time spent with family and friends, and setting reasonable goals for the next year. Bear in mind that those who undergo a number of activities with big projects, there is always a helping hand as in law dissertation help wishing an enhancement in 2021!


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